If you have been thinking of raising your own backyard chickens, but aren’t sure if you can pullet off, then maybe some of our SDG resources are egg-actly what you need.
Pilot Project: Teens Teaching Tech
By District3
Teens seeking volunteer hours in North Dundas are invited to check out Teens Teaching Tech, a new pilot project at SDG Library.
Discover and Explore Ontario Parks
By TechServ3
Check out an Ontario Parks Pass and enjoy the beauty of Ontario! The Ontario Parks system has a total of 280 provincial parks encompassing 7.1 million hectares or almost nine per cent of the province's area. Over 9 million visitors annually enjoy Ontario Parks. Borrow an Ontario Park Pass from your local SDG Library Branch…
Exploring my Irish Ancestry – Books set in Ireland
By SDG_Admin_CS
During the pandemic I went down the rabbit hole of family history and genealogy research and decided to do a DNA. I was surprised to learn that I was 49% Irish. I had always assumed that I would have Irish ancestry as my mother was born in England with with a French last name I…
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