3D Printing

Opening a whole new world of possibilities.

The SDG Library is now offering 3D Printing as a service. This means that you can design a 3D model at home, choose from our 3D Printing Catalogue, or download a design from a website like Thingiverse, then contact one of our 3D Printer-equipped Branches to have your creation brought to life!

Single Button Module

3D Printing Catalogue

3D Printing FAQs

  • We currently have three 3D printers: two Ultimaker 2+ printers and one Ultimaker 3. Our printers are currently located at the following branches, but it's best to check with your branch of choice first before visiting to ensure the printer is there and in working order:



  • We can work with a number of 3D object file types, but we prefer .STL files.

  • The object must fit within the confines of the build area of the 3D printer, which is 223 x 223 x 205 mm. However, our maximum print time of 4 hours will usually be the main factor in print size allowances.

  • All print jobs are subject to staff approval and we reserve the right to deny any print job. We will not print weapons, copyright-restricted designs, or anything that isn’t in keeping with our code of conduct. Also, some models are too complex for accurate printing, however we do our best to find a way to make a successful print.

  • For prints chosen from our catalogue of tested 3D prints, contact your closest 3D printer equipped branch. You will be required to pay for the object when you collect it.

    For specialty prints, contact the MakerLab. Staff will review the details of the job and provide you with a cost estimate. Once you provide your approval and acknowledgement of the cost, we will print the object. You will be required to pay for the object when you collect it.

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