Read about this month's reading challenge - to read any books of poetry or prose.
World Book – A New Library Resource!
Explore the diverse offerings of our digital resource World Book, for learners of all ages!
2024 Reading Challenge- February
Check out our suggestions for BIPOC authors as we move into February's Reading Challenge!
Odd Beasts: Weird Family Favourites
Kids love beasts. Kids love odd. So it only seems natural that kids would love Odd Beasts. My little and I were drawn to this title by the overly large eyes of a bush baby staring out at us from a display at the Alexandria Branch- and she was sold! How many times did we…
Reading on Repeat
I love sharing my love of books with my little one. I love being able to find books that she loves. I even love her favourite book. Most of the time. My toddler has been obsessed with owls since she was a year old (thanks to an IKEA Owl Puppet) and so we bought Knight…
All Aboard the Potty Train!
If you had asked me last year what I would be writing blogs about at work, let's just say potty training would not be top of that list. And yet, here we are.
Pilot Project: Teens Teaching Tech
Teens seeking volunteer hours in North Dundas are invited to check out Teens Teaching Tech, a new pilot project at SDG Library.
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