What is CELA?
The Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) provides access to Canada's largest collection of alternative format books and online resources for SDG Library members who are unable to read print material due to a visual, physical, or learning disability. CELA titles can be obtained in one of two ways; through the library's deposit collection or directly from the CELA website.
SDG Library's Deposit Collection
The Library has its own deposit collection of "Daisy Disc" audiobooks from CELA (formerly from the CNIB) and even has several Daisy Disc players available for eligible library members to borrow. Registration with the CELA organization is not required to borrow these materials, but your SDG Library membership will need to be updated to obtain access.
If you meet the criteria and are interested in borrowing these types of materials from the SDG Library, please contact your local branch for assistance. Any MP3-compatible CD player (and computers) can play these special audiobooks, though the Daisy Disc players offer a superior experience.
CELA offers over 200,000 titles in accessible formats either by postage-free home delivery or through digital downloading for registered library members meeting the eligibility requirements. More information on delivery options with CELA can be found here.
To sign up for access to CELA's digital and physical collections delivered directly through them, either self-register for CELA or contact your local branch for assistance. Once registered, you'll have full access to CELA's materials.